You're looking at v2 documentation. The current version is v3. You can find the docs for the current version here.

Middleware Configuration

Header or query parameter based identification

To identify tenants using request headers or query parameters, you may use the InitializeTenancyByRequestData middleware.

Create a central route (don't apply the tenancy middleware group on it and don't put it into routes/tenant.php) and apply this middleware on the route:


To customize the header, query parameter, and onFail logic, you may do this in your AppServiceProvider::boot():

// use Stancl\Tenancy\Middleware\InitializeTenancyByRequestData::class;

$this->app->bind(InitializeTenancyByRequestData::class, function ($app) {
    return new InitializeTenancyByRequestData('header name', 'query parameter', function ($exception) {
        // return redirect()->route('foo');

To disable identification using header or query parameter, set the respective parameter to null.

Customizing the onFail logic

When a tenant route is visited and the tenant can't be identified, an exception is thrown. If you want to change this behavior, to a redirect for example, add this to your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php's boot() method:

// use Stancl\Tenancy\Middleware\InitializeTenancy;

$this->app->bind(InitializeTenancy::class, function ($app) {
    return new InitializeTenancy(function ($exception, $request, $next) {
        // return redirect()->route('foo');