Compared to other packages
This package intends to provide you with the necessary tooling for adding multi-tenancy manually to your application. It will give you model traits, classes for creating tenant databases, and some additional tooling.
It would have been a good option for when you want to implement multi-tenancy manually, but:
- It isn't being actively developed — no features have been added in the past ~year
It makes testing a nightmare.
Over the last few months, I've received this feedback:
But, I still can't run any tests in Hyn, and had some queuing problems I'm still nervous about.
At the moment, our app is using latest Laravel and latest hyn/tenancy. The only thing I don't like about it is that tests are extremely fragile to the point where I don't dare mess with anything for risk of breaking everything
By the way, this package is awesome! It's so much better than the hyn alternative which is a bit of a mess in my opinion... It is a pity that I did not come across it in the first place.
I'm not sharing this to intentionally make hyn/multi-tenancy bad, but be very careful if you decide to go with that package.
This package intends to provide you with a framework for building your own multi-tenancy implementation. The documentation is quite lacking, so I couldn't get a too detailed idea of what it does, but from my understanding, it gives you things like events which you can use to build your own multi-tenancy logic.
If you want the absolute highest flexibility and would otherwise build your own implementation, looking into this package might be useful.
However, if you're looking for a package that will help you make a multi-tenant project quickly, this is probably not the right choice.
This package is a very simple implementation of multi-tenancy.
It does the same thing as stancl/tenancy v2, but with far fewer features out of the box.
The only benefit I see in this package compared to v2 of stancl/tenancy is that it uses Eloquent out of the box, which makes things like Cashier integration easier. But, that's irrelevant since we're in v3 already and v3 uses Eloquent.
So, I suggest you consider this package only if you value simplicity for some reason, and aren't building anything with any amount of complexity and need for "business features".
In my — biased, of course, but likely true as well — opinion, this package is the absolute best choice for the vast majority of applications.
The only packages I'd realistically consider are mine (of course) and tenancy/tenancy if you need something very custom, though I don't see the reason for that in 99% of applications.
This package attempts to be about as flexible as tenancy/tenancy, but also provide you with the absolute largest amount of out-of-the-box features and other tooling. It continues its path as the first package to have been using the automatic approach with adding many more features — most of which are "enterprise" features, in v3.
To give you an incomplete-but-good-enough list of features, this package supports:
- Multi-database tenancy
- creating databases
- PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL (schema mode)
- SQLite
- creating database users
- automatically switching the database
- CLI commands, with more features than e.g. spatie/laravel-multitenancy
- migrate
- migrate:fresh
- seed
- creating databases
- Single-database tenancy
- model traits with global scopes
- Rich event system
- Very high testability
- Automatic tenancy
- tenancy bootstrappers to switch:
- database connections
- redis connections
- cache tags
- filesystem roots
- queue context
- tenancy bootstrappers to switch:
- Manual tenancy
- model traits
- Out of the box tenant identification
- domain identification
- subdomain identification
- path identification
- request data identification
- middleware classes for the methods above
- CLI argument identification
- manual identification (e.g. in tinker)
- Integration with many packages
- spatie/laravel-medialibrary
- spatie/laravel-activitylog
- Livewire
- Laravel Nova
- for managing tenants
- for using inside the tenant application
- Laravel Horizon
- Laravel Telescope
- Laravel Passport
- Syncing users (or any other database resources) between multiple tenant databases
- Dependency injection of the current tenant
- Tenant user impersonation
- Cached tenant lookup, universal for all tenant resolvers