Integration with Spatie packages


Note: The package requires logged models to have integer IDs. We recommend extra security measures when using integer IDs for tenants. Because the IDs become enumerable, they get vulnerable to enumeration attacks (which UUIDs are safe against). For example, to use the LogsActivity trait on the Tenant model, modify the model to have an integer ID.

For the tenant app:

  • Set the database_connection key in config/activitylog.php to null. This makes activitylog use the default connection.
  • Publish the migrations and move them to database/migrations/tenant. (And, of course, don't forget to run artisan tenants:migrate.)

For the central app:

  • Set the database_connection key in config/activitylog.php to the name of your central database connection.


Install the package like usual, but publish the migrations and move them to migrations/tenant:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
mv database/migrations/*_create_permission_tables.php database/migrations/tenant

Next, add the following listeners to the TenancyBootstrapped and TenancyEnded events to events() in your TenancyServiceProvider:

Events\TenancyBootstrapped::class => [
    function (Events\TenancyBootstrapped $event) {
        $permissionRegistrar = app(\Spatie\Permission\PermissionRegistrar::class);
        $permissionRegistrar->cacheKey = 'spatie.permission.cache.tenant.' . $event->tenancy->tenant->getTenantKey();

Events\TenancyEnded::class => [
    function (Events\TenancyEnded $event) {
        $permissionRegistrar = app(\Spatie\Permission\PermissionRegistrar::class);
        $permissionRegistrar->cacheKey = 'spatie.permission.cache';

Alternatively, create a bootstrapper:

class SpatiePermissionsBootstrapper implements TenancyBootstrapper
    public function __construct(
        protected PermissionRegistrar $registrar,
    ) {}

    public function bootstrap(Tenant $tenant): void
        $this->registrar->cacheKey = 'spatie.permission.cache.tenant.' . $tenant->getTenantKey();

    public function revert(): void
        $this->registrar->cacheKey = 'spatie.permission.cache';

The reason for this is that spatie/laravel-permission caches permissions & roles to save DB queries, which means that we need to separate the permission cache by tenant. We also need to reset the cache key when tenancy ends so that the tenant's cache key isn't used in the central app.


To generate the correct media URLs for tenants, create a custom URL generator class extending Spatie\MediaLibrary\Support\UrlGenerator\DefaultUrlGenerator and override the getUrl() method:

use Spatie\MediaLibrary\Support\UrlGenerator\DefaultUrlGenerator;

class TenantAwareUrlGenerator extends DefaultUrlGenerator
    public function getUrl(): string
        $url = asset($this->getPathRelativeToRoot());

        $url = $this->versionUrl($url);

        return $url;

Then, change the url_generator in the media-library config to the custom one (make sure to import it):

'url_generator' => TenantAwareUrlGenerator::class,

After installing the package, publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="login-link-config"

After that, add your tenant identification middlewares to the config file's middleware key:

'middleware' => [
    // Add whatever tenant identification middlewares you use in your tenant routes