
Note: Domains are optional. If you're using path or request data identification, you don't need to worry about them.

To add a domain to a tenant, use the domains relationship:

    'domain' => 'acme',

If you use the subdomain identification middleware, the example above will work for acme.{any of your central domains}. If you use the domain identification middleware, use the full hostname like If you use the combined domain/subdomain identification middleware, you should use both acme as a subdomain and for the domain.

Note that starting with Laravel 8 and up, Laravel TrustHost middleware is enabled by default (see laravel/laravel#5477). This blocks Domain-based tenant identification since these requests will be treated as 'untrusted' unless added as a trusted host. You can either comment out this middleware in your App\Http\Kernel.php, or you can add the custom tenant domains in the App\Http\Middleware\TrustHosts.php hosts() method.

To retrieve the current domain model (when using domain identification), you may access the $currentDomain public static property on DomainTenantResolver.

Local development

For local development, you may use *.localhost domains (like foo.localhost) for tenants. On many operating systems, these work the same way as localhost.

If you're using Valet, you may want to use e.g. saas.test for the central domain and foo.saas.test, bar.saas.test etc for tenant domains. Alternatively, if you want to use multiple second-level domains, you can use the valet link command to attach additional domains to the project. For example: valet link bar.test