
The package is highly configurable. This page covers what you can configure in the config/tenancy.php file, but note that many more things are configurable. Some things can be changed by extending classes (e.g. the Tenant model), and many things can be changed using static properties. These things will usually be mentioned on the respective pages of the documentation, but not every time. For this reason, don't be afraid to dive into the package's source code — whenever the class you're using has a public static property, it's intended to be configured.

Static properties

You can set static properties like this (example):

\Stancl\Tenancy\Middleware\InitializeTenancyByDomain::$onFail = function () {
    return redirect('');

A good place to put these calls is your app/Providers/TenancyServiceProvider's boot() method.

Tenant model


This config specifies what Tenant model should be used by the package. There's a high chance you're using a custom model, as instructed to by the Tenants page, so be sure to change it in the config.

Unique ID generator


The Stancl\Tenancy\Database\Concerns\GeneratesIds trait, which is applied on the default Tenant model, will generate a unique ID (uuid by default) if no tenant id is supplied.

If you wish to use autoincrement ids instead of uuids:

  1. set this config key to null, or create a custom tenant model that doesn't use this trait
  2. update the tenants table migration to use an incrementing column type instead of string
  3. update the domains table migration tenant_id column to the same type as tenants id

Domain model


Similar to the Tenant model config. If you're using a custom model for domains, change it in this config. If you're not using domains (e.g. if you're using path or request data identification) at all, ignore this config key altogether.

Central domains


The list of domains that host your central app. This is used by (among other things):

  • the PreventAccessFromCentralDomains middleware, to prevent access from central domains to tenant routes,
  • the InitializeTenancyBySubdomain middleware, to check whether the current hostname is a subdomain on one of your central domains.



This config array lets you enable, disable or add your own tenancy bootstrappers.


If you're using Laravel Sail, please refer the Laravel Sail integration guide.

This section is relevant to the multi-database tenancy, specifically, to the DatabaseTenancyBootstrapper and logic that manages tenant databases.

See this section in the config, it's documented with comments.



This section is relevant to cache separation, specifically, to the CacheTenancyBootstrapper.

Note: To use the cache separation, you need to use a cache store that supports tagging, which is usually Redis.

See this section in the config, it's documented with comments.



This section is relevant to storage separation, specifically, to the FilesystemTenancyBootstrapper.

See this section in the config, it's documented with comments.



This section is relevant to Redis data separation, specifically, to the RedisTenancyBootstrapper.

Note: To use this bootstrapper, you need phpredis.

See this section in the config, it's documented with comments.



This config array lets you enable, disable or add your own feature classes.

Migration parameters


This config array lets you set parameters used by default when running the tenants:migrate command (or when this command is executed using the MigrateDatabase job). Of course, all of these parameters can be overridden by passing them directly in the command call, be it in CLI or using Artisan::call().

Seeder parameters


The same as migration parameters, but for tenants:seed and the SeedDatabase job.