You're looking at v1 documentation. The current version is v3. You can find the docs for the current version here.

Console Commands

The package comes with some artisan commands that will help you during development.


The most important command. To use tenants, you have to be able to migrate their databases.

You can use the tenants:migrate command to migrate tenant's databases. You can also specify which tenants' databases should be migrated using the --tenants option.

php artisan tenants:migrate --tenants=8075a580-1cb8-11e9-8822-49c5d8f8ff23

Note: Tenant migrations must be located in database/migrations/tenant.

You can use these commands outside the command line as well. If you want to migrate a tenant's database in a controller, you can use the Artisan facade.

$tenant = tenant()->create('tenant1.localhost');

\Artisan::call('tenants:migrate', [
    '--tenants' => [$tenant['uuid']]

Rollback & seed

  • Rollback: tenants:rollback
  • Seed: tenants:seed

Similarly to migrate, these commands accept a --tenants option.


You can use the tenants:run command to run your own commands for tenants.

If your command's signature were email:send {--queue} {--subject=} {body}, you would run this command like this:

php artisan tenants:run email:send --tenants=8075a580-1cb8-11e9-8822-49c5d8f8ff23 --option="queue=1" --option="subject=New Feature" --argument="body=We have launched a new feature. ..."

Tenant list

php artisan tenants:list
Listing all tenants.
[Tenant] uuid: dbe0b330-1a6e-11e9-b4c3-354da4b4f339 @ localhost
[Tenant] uuid: 49670df0-1a87-11e9-b7ba-cf5353777957 @ dev.localhost

Selectively clearing tenant cache

You can delete specific tenants' cache by using the --tags option on cache:clear:

php artisan cache:clear --tags=tenantdbe0b330-1a6e-11e9-b4c3-354da4b4f339

The tag is config('tenancy.cache.tag_base') . $uuid.