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Writing Storage Drivers

If you don't want to use the provided DB/Redis storage drivers, you can write your own driver.

To create a driver, create a class that implements the Stancl\Tenancy\Interfaces\StorageDriver interface.

For historical reasons, the TenantManager will try to json encode/decode data coming from the storage driver. If you want to avoid this, set public $useJson = false;. That will make TenantManager encode/decode only put() and get() data, so that data types can be stored correctly.

The DB storage driver has public $useJson = false;, while the Redis storage driver doesn't use this property, so it's false by default.

Here's an example:

namespace App\StorageDrivers\MongoDBStorageDriver; use Stancl\Tenancy\Interfaces\StorageDriver; class MongoDBStorageDriver implements StorageDriver { public $useJson = false; public function identifyTenant(string $domain): array { // } public function getAllTenants(array $uuids = []): array { // } public function getTenantById(string $uuid, array $fields = []): array { // } public function getTenantIdByDomain(string $domain): ?string { // } public function createTenant(string $domain, string $uuid): array { // } public function deleteTenant(string $uuid): bool { // } public function get(string $uuid, string $key) { // } public function getMany(string $uuid, array $keys): array { // } public function put(string $uuid, string $key, $value) { // } public function putMany(string $uuid, array $values): array { // } }