You're looking at v1 documentation. The current version is v3. You can find the docs for the current version here.

Tenancy Initialization

Tenancy can be initialized by calling tenancy()->init(). The InitializeTenancy middleware calls this method automatically.

You can end a tenancy session using tenancy()->end(). This is useful if you need to run multiple tenant sessions or a mixed tenant/non-tenant session in a single request/command.

The tenancy()->init() method calls bootstrap().

This method switches database connection, Redis connection (if Redis tenancy is enabled), cache and filesystem root paths.

This page goes through the code that actually makes this happen. You don't have to read this page to use the package, but it will give you insight into the magic that's happening in the background, so that you can be more confident in it.

Database tenancy

bootstrap() runs the following method:

public function switchDatabaseConnection()

If tenancy.database_name_key is set and present in the current tenant's data, the getDatabaseName() returns the stored database_name. Otherwise it returns the prefix + uuid + suffix.

public function getDatabaseName($tenant = []): string
    $tenant = $tenant ?: $this->tenant;
    if ($key = $this->app['config']['tenancy.database_name_key']) {
        if (isset($tenant[$key])) {
            return $tenant[$key];
    return $this->app['config']['tenancy.database.prefix'] . $tenant['uuid'] . $this->app['config']['tenancy.database.suffix'];

This is passed as an argument to the connect() method. This method creates a new database connection and sets it as the default one.

public function connect(string $database)

public function createTenantConnection(string $database_name)
    // Create the `tenant` database connection.
    $based_on = config('tenancy.database.based_on') ?: config('database.default');
        'database.connections.tenant' => config('database.connections.' . $based_on),
    // Change DB name
    $database_name = $this->getDriver() === 'sqlite' ? database_path($database_name) : $database_name;
    config()->set(['database.connections.tenant.database' => $database_name]);

public function useConnection(string $connection)
    // $this->database = Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager

Redis tenancy

The bootstrap() method calls setPhpRedisPrefix() if tenancy.redis.tenancy is true.

This method cycles through the tenancy.redis.prefixed_connections and sets their prefix to tenancy.redis.prefix_base + uuid.

public function setPhpRedisPrefix($connections = ['default'])
    // [...]
    foreach ($connections as $connection) {
        $prefix = $this->app['config']['tenancy.redis.prefix_base'] . $this->tenant['uuid'];
        $client = Redis::connection($connection)->client();
        try {
            // [...]
            $client->setOption($client::OPT_PREFIX, $prefix);
        } catch (\Throwable $t) {
            throw new PhpRedisNotInstalledException();

Cache tenancy

bootstrap() calls tagCache() which replaces the 'cache' key in the service container with a different CacheManager.

public function tagCache()
    // [...]
    $this->app->extend('cache', function () {
        return new \Stancl\Tenancy\CacheManager($this->app);

This CacheManager forwards all calls to the inner store, but also adds tag which "scope" the cache and allow for selective cache clearing:

class CacheManager extends BaseCacheManager
    public function __call($method, $parameters)
        $tags = [config('tenancy.cache.tag_base') . tenant('uuid')];
        if ($method === 'tags') {
            if (\count($parameters) !== 1) {
                throw new \Exception("Method tags() takes exactly 1 argument. {count($parameters)} passed.");
            $names = $parameters[0];
            $names = (array) $names; // cache()->tags('foo')
            return $this->store()->tags(\array_merge($tags, $names));
        return $this->store()->tags($tags)->$method(...$parameters);

Filesystem tenancy

bootstrap() calls suffiexFilesystemRootPaths(). This method changes storage_path() and the roots of disks listed in config('tenancy.filesystem.disks). You can read more about this on the Filesystem Tenancy page.

php public function suffixFilesystemRootPaths() { // [...] $suffix = $this->app['config']['tenancy.filesystem.suffix_base'] . tenant('uuid'); // storage_path() $this->app->useStoragePath($old['path'] . "/{$suffix}"); // Storage facade foreach ($this->app['config']['tenancy.filesystem.disks'] as $disk) { // [...] if ($root = \str_replace('%storage_path%', storage_path(), $this->app['config']["tenancy.filesystem.root_override.{$disk}"])) { Storage::disk($disk)->getAdapter()->setPathPrefix($root); } else { $root = $this->app['config']["filesystems.disks.{$disk}.root"]; Storage::disk($disk)->getAdapter()->setPathPrefix($root . "/{$suffix}"); } } // [...] }